Reviving the blog

Today, I decided to officially revive my blog.

Actually, the decision came yesterday, but the action was fulfilled today. It occurred to me that if I work on it, I can make this blog earn money and I can really use the extra income (especially now that I’m addicted to online shopping). Another reason why I decided to blog again is because ever since I worked from home, I couldn’t talk to anyone. Everyone at home is out for most of the day. I couldn’t talk to Y’s yaya. I certainly couldn’t talk to Y. J and I used to talk all the time before each of us became busy with work.

I couldn’t bother anyone with my stories because everyone’s so busy with their own lives. Which is good because I’m starting my own life, too. But now, all I can talk to is, basically, my laptop. If you know me, not being able to talk will make me insane. So to preserve what is remaining of my sanity, I decided to make this blog my best friend and confidante. *hug*

After years of blogging, I have never been able to maintain one. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this time, this blog would fulfill its purpose.

One thought on “Reviving the blog

  1. Pingback: How to exchange links with many blogs at once? | Happy Murals

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